Saturday 21 February 2009

Masaplasen tour on Friday

Just a delayed report. We had a good tour on Friday from Venabu Fjellhotell to Masaplasen (about 25km). The forecast looked stable: good visibility, no snow, light air. After about 5km we saw a nice curtain of "white out" coming behind us from the Rondane area. Seemed like the weather played its own rules once again and the white out swallowed us with fog and snow. We spent the next 1 hour in the sour cream, following the bamboo sticks carefully until the sun broke through the low stratus clouds and we were back in sunny condition. Close to Remma we spotted a large herd of reindeers in the distance (north of Remma), but unfortunately I could not a take a good enough picture to publish it here. Last 5kms were just fantastic, closer to sunset, beautiful scenery through the pineforrests of Oksendalen.

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