Saturday 31 March 2012

Thursday, Friday, Saturday - colder days

Thursday morning it was -3 Celsius, that was also the minimum during the night. It was only +1 at the warmest. Friday and Saturday were even colder, less than zero all the time. It's still windy, from 6-10 m/s.

On Thursday we had a nice tour from Venabu to Øksendalen/Måsåplassen. It was strong wind from north-west, 8-10 m/s and the snow was hard and a bit icy, so the wind blew us along. It was sunny and a little warmer when we skied down to Måsåplassen, which made it easier. One of the other groups went from Gunstadseter and back to Venabu. They had a nice but hard day, because they had sidewind for a long time.

Friday morning the two Norwegian groups went home, the English group skied to Måsåplassen. The conditions were approximately the same as Thursday, but a little bit colder, which made the snow even harder. Today they went over Dynjefjell, partly skiing, partly walking.

They forecast cold weather for most of the Easter. That means it will be possible to ski, as long as we avoid the open rivers, but it the snow will stay hard and icy as long as we don't get any more snow. Walking and snowshoeing will also be okay. For more adventurous people I will recommend to go by bike, if they have the right kind of tires. The snow is so hard that they can bike everywhere, and also places with no snow, of course. Luckily they forecast less wind from now on.

The blog will not be updated daily from now on, but we will try to do it about once a week.

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